As their daughter's struggle continued, so did the struggle for Tom and Dena Yohe. Eventually they realized they couldn't choose sobriety for Renee-she had to choose it for herself.
As their daughter, Renee, continued to spiral out of control; Tom and Dena Yohe knew that the Word of God was their food and prayer was their lifeline. So, they asked friends to pray.
Tom and Dena Yohe's daughter, Renee, started cutting herself at 12 years of age. Gradually, other behaviors surfaced including suicidal tendencies. Find out how Tom and Dena handled parenting a prodigal.
Brian and Angela Haynes, author of the book, "Relentless Parenting," remind parents that their teens are not adults.
Pastor Brian Haynes and his wife, Angela, explain what it means to relentlessly pursue your teen's heart. Angela recalls one tense time between her and her daughter after a family move.
Phil Waldrep gives parents several practical steps they can take when dealing with a prodigal son or daughter.
Phil Waldrep explains the motives behind the various types of prodigals.
Phil Waldrep reassures parents that they aren't to blame for their child's rebellion but there are things they can do to lower the risk.
Even when we see no visible evidence, we can trust that God is at work.
Nina Roesner and Debbie Hitchcock give parents practical advice for building relationships with their teens.
Jim Subers talks to parents about rebellious and hurting teens. Jim explains that many troubled teens are just looking for answers and have believed lies about themselves and God.
Do you have a child that's out of control? We want you to know there's hope. Jim Subers, President of Shelterwood explains why it's getting more and more difficult to raise children today.
Barbara Rainey talks about some of the ways adoption affects your marriage, your other children, and your relationship with Christ.
Some solid convictions that we believe every family should embrace.
Dennis talks about his hopes and love for his son, despite his rebellion.
Dennis talks openly about Nate’s early drug use, his spiral downward into the drug culture.
Our assignment as parents is to tenderize the child’s conscience to the Holy Spirit and to the law of God.
When your child is angry you can help him understand what hurt him and work through that issue.
There are no foolproof methods of parenting, because there are no perfect parents.
Healthy ways to deal with grief from the parent of a prodigal.
Distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate expressions of anger.
Whatever their story, prodigals need a safe haven.
We need to work at modeling appropriate expressions of anger.
Loving wayward children even when you don't approve of their behavior.
Seven promises for brokenhearted parents
Every time I read the story about the Prodigal Son, I feel it's a story about me.
A crisis with a child means your family is headed into a period of testing ... and of growth.
Today on the broadcast, popular fiction author Melody Carlson joins writer and parent educator Kathy Pride to talk about the difficult journey their families have faced as their sons have struggled to beat their drug addiction.
On the broadcast today, authors Melody Carlson and Kathy Pride share the emotional stories of their son's battle with drugs.