Getting remarried in later life after the death of a spouse or divorce? How do you know if you’re ready? Ron Deal talks with Jim & Shirley Mozena about the risks, as well as rewards, of a later-life remarriage and what to consider as you date.
Marriage is full of surprises, but anyone in a blended-family marriage knows adaptability is a requirement for stepfamily success.
Every house, has its own blueprint.
Okay, I'm talking to the kids today. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when we're sad on the inside, we act grumpy on the outside?
Obviously, sexual stress negatively impacts a marriage. Blended-family marriages are no different, but the nature of the stressors is different.
When remarriage occurs after the death of a spouse, the stepcouple faces emotional minefields in relationship-building. Ron Deal talks with Bill & Evelyn Thompson, who both lost a spouse prior to remarriage, on how to blend a family after significant loss.
Should dating and engaged couples talk about money?
But Ron, I don’t want to date someone who has kids." Well, good. I don’t want you to either.
Preparing to blend a family can be a daunting endeavor. But you can—and should—get smart about stepfamily living ahead of time. Listen to Ron Deal talk with two stepcouples about what they did before marriage that helped prepare to blend their families.
Preparing for marriage to begin a blended family comes with unique dynamics. Ron Deal, Director of FamilyLife Blended, talks about addressing not just the joining of two hearts, but those of the whole family.
Are you engaged or just beginning a blended family? Ron Deal, Director of FamilyLife Blended, discusses how couples can prepare their families to blend with intentionality and joy.
The process of planning and preparing for the wedding can help build family identity and bonding even before the ceremony.
You’ve invested time to build your relationship with your partner. You need to be just as intentional with children to co-create a blended family.
It can feel overwhelming to plan a blended family wedding. Here are six drama-free ideas to make your ceremony special.
What does the Bible teach about divorce and remarriage and how does it apply to God's people? Listen to Ron Deal's conversation with Dr. Rubel Shelly on a subject that's hard to understand in Scripture and often disagreed upon in Christian circles.
Yellow flashing lights mean proceed with caution.
Spring weddings are just around the corner. So, how do you prepare to be a blended family?
It's time for a dating attitude adjustment.
If you're a single parent or dating one, here's a dating myth to avoid.
We could spend 1/3 of our lives without a paycheck as we live longer now, which makes saving for later-life so important. Ron Deal talks with Greg Pettys about how to prepare for retirement while being mindful of your blended family dynamics.
Conversations about money and inheritances can be uncomfortable. But wouldn't it be better to talk about it with family members while you can? Ron Deal gives suggestions about how to make wise money decisions.
Ron Deal says finances and personal values are especially complicated in blended families. He lists practical tools to help make asset management easier.
Your stepfamily wilderness season may involve a broken marital vow, a stepchild who doesn’t want to be part of the family, or loneliness. Regardless of your circumstances, you don’t have to stay stuck wandering in the wilderness.
Ron Deal and Lore Ferguson Wilbert discuss the healing journey she's experienced as her husband's second wife. She suggests adopting a heart of compassion instead of competition.
As a second wife or second husband, have you ever felt second best? Ron Deal talks with Lore Ferguson Wilbert about how to combat the insecurities that naturally arise in second marriages.
Vaneetha Risner shares about the devastation she faced in divorce and how God used it to bring about something more wonderful than she could've imagined.
What makes a man marriage material? In my own search, I’ve kept a list of nonnegotiables—most revolve around Christlike character.
I began to see how God would use my broken engagement when I stopped fighting for control. He wanted to grow me through it.