Shape your sons into good men by understanding your influence. Join Author Jon Tyson as he dives into the impact of habits, wounds, and the importance of positive role models.
Navigate the challenges of boyhood with Jon Tyson's guidance, offering a clear path for fathers and sons through rites of passage and meaningful activities.
What emotional skills does your son need? Counselor David Thomas sheds light on common struggles and ways to help your son embrace emotional maturity.
What's it take to raise emotionally strong boys? Counselor David Thomas lays out vital strategies to equip boys for a powerful present and future.
Every good parent wrestles with how to best parent their kids. Gary Chapman offers answers through discussing a kid's biggest emotional need --that of being loved.
It's a daunting era to raise a son into a man, but here's a game plan for shaping growing boys into godly men.
"Where do babies come from?" Don't break out in a sweat just yet. Justin and Lindsey Holcomb help parents start the conversation with basic, biblical tools.
When it comes to raising kids -- what if perfection isn't the goal? Dave and Ann Wilson dive into the monumental task of parenting kids right here, right now.
Learning how to parent can feel part adventure, part battle, part dumpster fire. Dave & Ann Wilson have your back with solid advice & practical application.
To raise your unique child, recognize your particular wiring. Bill Hendricks & his sister Bev explore how to parent through the lens of your giftedness.
Are you producing a product or parenting a person? Bill Hendricks and Bev Hendricks Godby help you craft an individualized approach for your unique child.
How's your child different than every other? Rather than crank out a product, Bill Hendricks his sister Bev equip you to help your particular child thrive.
Real (…occasionally awkward) conversations about body image vitally protect our kids. Authors Justin & Lindsey Holcomb explain these critical conversations.
How can we weave confidence and truth into our kids' body image? Authors Lindsey & Justin Holcomb offer ideas to help kids embrace the image of God in them.
What would you do if your child was being bullied? Jonathan McKee talks about his own bullied past and coaches parents on what to do if they suspect their child is being harassed.
Knowing and embracing our identity in Christ is so important. Matt and Lisa Jacobson tell us how this specifically relates to our sons.
It can be easy to love our boys when they are really little. Matt and Lisa Jacobson give us practical ideas for loving them throughout their whole lives.
Nathan Clarkson, points out 15 characteristics that join together to define a good man, including adventurous, devout, heroic, and emotional. He coaches parents who might be raising an artistic child like he was.
Nathan Clarkson talks about the unique role men play in God's creation and points to Christ as the embodiment of all that a man should be.
Nathan Clarkson reflects on the first thirty years of his life as someone who is "different," In his search to find his identity, Clarkson describes his journey to find out what a good man is and does.
Jasmine Holmes wants her son to understand he is made in the image of God, to understand the beauty of diversity, and to be a hopeful optimist centered on the gospel of Christ.
Jasmine Holmes knows what strong parenting looks like. But that didn't shield her from the pain of casual prejudice growing up. Now a young mom, she shows her son he is "fearfully and wonderfully made."
Boys will be boys, unless we train them to be men. Here are some principles to keep in mind as you raise a boy to be a man.
Bryan Loritts joins his father, Pastor Crawford Loritts, to talk about the value of a father's integrity.
Fathers provide innumerable gifts to their children, but the best gifts don't fit in a box. Bryan Loritts talks about the "RITE" gifts good fathers give to their children.
Bryan Loritts talks about the difference between a headwind father and a tailwind father. He explains which one sets his child on a trajectory for success by inspiring them to their God-intended destiny.
Vicki Courtney encourages mothers to talk to their sons about chivalry. Mothers and fathers should also talk to their sons about unplanned pregnancy, sexting, and porn.
Is your son ready for the real world? Vicki Courtney advises moms to encourage their sons toward independence and responsibility so they will be eager to leave home when it's time.
When should you talk to your son about the dangers of porn? Author Dave Willis recalls his past struggles with porn, and offers dads some valuable insight into broaching this topic with their sons.
Dave Willis talks honestly about where he feels men are missing the mark. He reminds men that selfishness is the opposite of respect, and advises men to train their sons to serve others as Christ did.