Moving can be one of the most challenging situations a family can go through. Here are five tips we’ve learned through our family moving.
How do we protect our marriages in a world that tries to pull us apart? John and Debra Fileta break down three main areas of needed protection and share invaluable advice from their own marriage.
More stuff means more bills. More bills require more work.The work life balance cycle is as paralyzing as it is addictive. And it is luring every American family.
Sadness during the holidays: It's real. But on FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host author and former FamilyLife Today host Bob Lepine. He proposes there's also real hope and answers when we're stressed & depressed at Christmas.
Are joy and peace a far cry from your holiday? What if you're even angry, or sad? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host author Bob Lepine, who talks about handling all the feels at Christmas.
When we became parents, our entire universe shifted. What happened to the couple we were?
With the summer break, now is a great time to reevaluate your family’s weekly schedule. Before penciling anything in, here are three questions to ask.
When dads share the household responsibilities, it’s a win-win for the family and a win-win for society. Bill Gates, tech guru, and wife Melinda proved it.
Following a Major League Baseball career, my husband's work led to a new demanding position. So, I came home to an empty house and had dinner alone again.
You might make sure to head to the doctor each year like clockwork, but when is the last time your marriage had a physical?
Spending an entire weekend learning how to communicate, grow in oneness, and love one another better was like hitting a reset to our busy lives.
How can we uphold what the Bible says about marital relationships and make good decisions about housework?
Many of us have forgotten or never learned how to rest.
Putting God, others, rest, and work in their proper places.
These 10 ideas will help you invest your time in your car, instead of waste it.
Giving thanks in all circumstances helps us remember that a sovereign God orders our lives.
You’ll never find the time to have fun with your spouse; you have to make time.
How to keep your marriage on the front burner of life.
Practical suggestions for regarding interruptions as "sovereign deliveries."
The heavy pressures in your life are often the things God's using to press you to Him.
Suggestions for being intentional about connecting with each other.
In today’s world of media bombardment, your marriage and family can suffer. Consider these tips for getting media intake under control.
There are only so many things parents can do, so make sure you are choosing the right priorities.
A Weekend to Remember® was just what our great marriage needed.
Honest answers to these simple questions will help you identify the pressure points in your marriage and family.
Three suggestions on how to prioritize your life.
I wonder how many of our children would be able to hear God calling their names through all the noise in the background?
In order to have healthy marriages and families, we must obey our God-given desire for peace and rest.